Redington Beach Town Hall
105 164th Avenue
Redington Beach, FL 33708
Phone: (727) 391-3875
Fax: (727) 397-6911
Email: [email protected]

Office of Town Clerk
With direction from the Mayor and Board of Commissioners, plans, organizes, provides oversight to and participates in all Town Clerk functions, including providing administrative services for the Mayor and Commissioners; retaining custody of and maintaining the Town’s official records and history; managing purchasing and payroll activities for Town Hall operations/employees; assisting in preparation of annual Town budget, coordinating the conduct of municipal elections; ensuring legal notification of Board of Commissioners and various Board meetings, and preparing agenda materials and minutes for Commission meetings; updates and maintains master copy of Town’s Charter and Code of Ordinances; officiates at bid openings; coordinates City response to subpoenas for records; issues permits for parking; coordinates updates to Town’s Web site; acts as a Notary Public, and performs related work as required.
Meet the Town's Professional Staff:
Town Clerk
Prior to joining the Town in May 2016, Adriana was an Administrative Assistant at a local non-profit organization for 9 years. A Certified Municipal Clerk and Certified Floodplain Manager, she is a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Florida Association of City Clerks, Pinellas County Municipal Clerk's Association, Association of State Floodplain Managers, Florida Floodplain Managers Association and is a Notary Public.
Administrative Assistant
Department of Public Works/Emergency Management
David Poole
Responsible for routine maintenance of the Town’s infrastructure & cosmetics; maintenance of Town’s mechanized equipment; liaison with local utilities; meeting and documenting compliance with State and Federal pollution control requirements; supervising work of contract vendors working on Town facilities; liaison with Town’s Park Board; and maintaining and implementing the Town’s Emergency Management Plan including liaison with local law enforcement agencies and other emergency services.
Town Hall Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Commission Meetings:
The Town Commission meets on the 1st Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 PM in the Commission Chambers, Town Hall.
Personnel Manual
This document has been developed in order to familiarize employees with the Town of Redington Beach and provide information about working conditions, key policies, procedures, and benefits affecting employment at the Town of Redington Beach. Click Here.
Records Custodian:
Adriana Nieves, CMC, CFM
Town Clerk
105 164th Ave.
Redington Beach, FL 33708
email: [email protected]
Phone: 727-391-3875 Fax: 727-397-6911